The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is an array of P-type point contact
germanium detectors enclosed in a low-background shield, operating at
the Sanford Underground Research Facility. The first results from its
search for neutrinoless double beta decay with a 10 kg-y data set show
world-leading energy resolution at the Q-value (2039 keV) and extremely
low background levels in its optimal configuration. This is an important
milestone in the development of a next-generation, ton-scale experiment.
Complementary to its neutrino program, the DEMONSTRATOR is also
capable of low energy rare event searches, routinely operating with
sub-keV thresholds. This is enabling a search for dark matter and solar
axions. The lowest energy regions of the data set present a challenge to
reliably discriminate physics from electronics noise.
In addition to a discussion of the recent double-beta decay result, I will
discuss new noise rejection methods for the DEMONSTRATOR and
prospects for an upcoming solar axion result.